Highlighting 100 McGeorge alumni for school’s 100-year anniversary: Posts 21-30

在2024年, the 博彩平台网址大全 麦克乔治法学院 is celebrating members of its vast alumni network in honor of the school’s 100-year anniversary. These posts are part of a series highlighting 100 exceptional 麦克乔治法学院 alumni. 

我们将继续发布故事, we invite you to follow along and explore the stories of exceptional McGeorge alumni. This article spotlights ten McGeorge alumni who have emerged as formidable forces in their respective industries, making significant impacts on their communities and even extending their influence to the government level. McGeorge alumni pave the way for the next generation of law professionals, 他们有着辉煌的职业生涯, 继续为正义献身, 并成为各自领域的顶尖专家.   


迈克尔·贝洛特,87年, has over 40 years of experience as a lobbyist in California, including 10 years as President of California Advocates, 公司. Capitol Weekly named him one of the Top 100 in California politics many times, and he was named the recipient of the annual President’s Award by the California Judges Association twice. Belote has supported McGeorge’s Public Legal Services Society by 志愿者ing at their yearly fundraising auction, 捐赠资金, 并鼓励其他人效仿他的天赋. 


斯科特·博拉斯,1982年, was named as the most powerful sports agent in the world for the eighth time by Forbes Magazine in 2022. 博拉斯是创始人, 老板, 也是博拉斯公司的总裁, 纽波特海滩的一家体育经纪公司, CA. Boras Corporation is the most valuable baseball (only) agency in the country, 有106个客户,超过3美元.80亿的活跃游戏合同. 

的宝贝. 康斯维洛María卡拉汉,1975年 

的宝贝. 康斯维洛María卡拉汉,1975年, worked as a Deputy District Attorney for the San Joaquin County District Attorney’s Office after graduating from 麦克乔治法学院, where she focused her practice on child abuse and sexual assault cases. In 1992, she became the first Hispanic woman to be appointed to the San Joaquin Superior Court. She now serves on the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit; nomination confirmed by a 99-0 vote by the Senate in 2003. Judge Callahan remains actively involved with the law school through speaking engagements, 服务, 以及她在大学校董会的角色. 


安娜Frostic, ‘07, is the Senior Vice President of 项目 and Policy for the Humane Society International, overseeing all of Asian global programs and policy work. Frostic有很多专业成就, including eliminating a loophole in the federal law that allowed chimpanzees to continue to be subjected to invasive biomedical re搜索.

约翰·M法官. 杰拉德,81 

约翰·M法官. 杰拉德,81, became the youngest serving member of the Nebraska Supreme Court in 1995 at 41. 他服役了16年.在内布拉斯加州高等法院待了5年. 2011年5月, President Barack Obama nominated Judge Gerrard for a United States District Court judgeship. He was Chief Judge of the District of Nebraska from 2018-2021. 杰拉德法官于今年2月获得高级职位. 2023 and continues to carry a full case load for the District of Nebraska.  

的宝贝. 玛格丽特·黑田昌永,1987年 

的宝贝. 玛格丽特·黑田昌永,1987年, grew up in Sacramento, California, and graduated from C.K. McClatchy High School, near 麦克乔治法学院. She has served on the McGeorge 校友 Association Board since 2023. 当她还是麦克乔治大学的学生时, she was President of the Asian American 法律 Students Association, as well as Minority Representative on the admissions committee. Judge Masunaga had a lengthy career of public 服务 in Hawaii in various capacities before serving on the bench for six years. 


凯瑟琳·马丁,87年, serves as the chair of Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati’s board of directors and a partner in the firm’s Palo Alto office, 她在哪里从事公司法和证券法. Martin led the team at her firm that advised Twitter, 公司. 2022年,埃隆·马斯克以440亿美元的价格收购了他.  

的宝贝. Dana Makoto Sabraw, 85年 

的宝贝. Dana Makoto Sabraw, 85年, is the chief district judge of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California. Judge Sabraw was 37 years old when he was first appointed to the bench. 萨布罗法官是美国最高法院的成员.S. Judicial Conference Committee on the Judicial Branch and has been active in several professional organizations. 除了, he has received numerous awards from the community and bar associations. 

Summer Stephan, 86年 

Summer Stephan, 86年, has served as the San Diego County District Attorney since 2018. 作为地区检察官, she leads the second-largest DA’s Office in California, 也是美国第五大城市, 管理专业人员1人,000名员工, serving as the People’s Prosecutor for San Diego County and its more than three million residents. 

米歇尔·黄, 2003年 

米歇尔·黄, 2003年, 她的工作重点是遗产规划, 财富保值, 以及物业管理. A significant portion of Wong’s practice is tailored to addressing the complex needs and issues unique to professional athletes and coaches as they progress through various stages of their careers and beyond, 包括NFL的客户, 大联盟, NBA, 和NHL. 除了, 黄教授威尔斯, 信托基金, and Estates as an adjunct professor at The Ohio State University Michael E. 莫里茨法学院. 

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